Starfinder RPG Adventure Path #004 Dead Suns (4 of 6)

Paizo Publishing, LLC

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Still on the heels of the Devourer cult, the heroes head to a distant, uncharted star system, where they find the ruins of an ancient alien city floating in the atmosphere of a gas giant. Exploring the ruins, they encounter the degenerate descendants of a highly advanced species that once controlled the alien superweapon the heroes are searching for. Through the legends and superstitions of these savage aliens, the heroes can piece together clues to the superweapon Ā’s hidden location and the key to unlocking its power an impossibly huge megastructure that the Cult of the Devourer is intent on seizing! Ā“The Ruined Clouds Ā” is a Starfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 7th-level characters. The adventure continues the Dead Suns Adventure Path, a campaign in which players explore the secrets of the galaxy as members of the Starfinder Society. It also includes a gazetteer of the ruined alien city of Istamak, an exploration of the hyperspace plane called the Drift and the mysterious city at the center of it, and a selection of new monsters from alien worlds. Each bimonthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more! Sales Points Ā• Continues the first-ever Starfinder Adventure Path, an ideal jumping-on point for Paizo Ā’s new Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Ā• The Dead Suns Adventure Path is one of the most important publishing programs of Paizo Ā’s 2017 calendar, with six bimonthly adventure installments, a Pathfinder Pawns collection of character counters, and tie-ins with Paizo Ā’s worldwide Starfinder organized play efforts.

Extra Information

Paizo Publishing, LLC
Display Count:
1 Sourcebook
Case Quantity:
Pre-Order Due:
January 22nd 2018
Release Date:
February 28th 2018